Tunisia’s housing supply has increased rapidly over the past three to four decades, with more recent increases attributed to considerable governmental support for the corporate private sector. Overall, Tunisia’s approach follows UN-Habitat’s housing enabling strategy, as institutions, regulations, and financing have worked to support housing production and improvement, but the country still faces challenges like obstacles to affordability, urban land scarcity, and outstanding issues in the country’s mortgage-based housing finance system.
To understand and plan for solving these challenges, government and planning agencies established housing observatories in the early 2000s. These observatories are responsible for conducting focused studies on the housing sector, with outputs including reports on condominium ownership, building out a new locational policy for housing, social housing, informal settlements, vacancies in the housing market, and construction costs across housing sectors.
Source: UN-HABITAT. (2011) Tunisia Urban Housing Sector Profile. Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme.
Link: https://unhabitat.org/tunisia-urban-housing-sector-profile