India: Ensuring Access to Government Programs for Indigenous Peoples


The Koraga people in India were classified by the government as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) because of the years of systemic oppression they endured, resulting in large social and economic inequalities. These past injustices continued on into the present, in the form of ongoing land expulsions, a lack of livelihood opportunities, and widespread malnutrition. To attempt to reverse these systemic injustices, ActionAid India worked with NGOs and local community groups to open up a critical dialogue with the government in the form of policy advocacy, research publications, and campaigns.

Through ActionAid India’s work, the Koraga people are now able to access two of the government’s rural housing programs, so they are able to receive a grant to construct their own home, along with government technical assistance. This work has not only made government programs more accessible and effective, but also has led to community organizing on behalf of the Koraga people.


World Habitat. (2019) Restoration of dignity and human rights of indigenous tribal community in Karnataka. World Habitat Award Winners: Gold 2019.
