Brazil: A Public-Private Partnership for Social Interest Housing


Formed in 2015, La Alianza Público-Privada (APP) del Centro is the first social interest housing public-private partnership (PPP) in Brazil. This partnership aims to providing social housing, improving public services and infrastructure, along with revitalizing downtown areas of São Paulo. By offering products aimed toward the construction of both social housing (for populations with monthly gross incomes between US$160-$850) and popular market housing (for populations with monthly gross incomes between US$850-$1,600), this PPP has generated investment and construction in São Paulo.

By 2020, 1,227 social housing units had been delivered. The PPP projected that 3,683 homes would be built in the central region of São Paulo, with 1,423 of these being popular market homes. The success of this PPP is attributed to the use of a focused and differentiated subsidy line, effective communication strategies, post-subsidy monitoring as is common in PPPs, and access to technical support.


Rodríguez Armas, J. C. (2021) Barreras de Acceso a Programas de Subsidios a la Vivienda en Perú: Estudio y propuestas de innovaciones en políticas públicas” Habitat for Humanity International Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter.
