Due to the wide variety of housing needs and challenges in emerging market countries, there is no single solution to the housing crisis. In 2015, Rwanda’s National Housing Policy broadened the country’s view on housing provision and tenure type, while supporting a variety of housing finance provisions. It aims to develop subsidy interventions based on income, so as to avoid any market distortions, and supports the construction of social housing. In order to effectively address housing provision, a multitude of interventions are laid out in this policy, including supporting rental and self-help construction.
The focus of the policy isn’t just on the public sector, but also has an emphasis on engaging and collaborating with the private sector. The policy supports alternative finance arrangements like savings groups, credit cooperatives, and microfinance. Looking beyond just finance, it has initiatives to strengthen the construction sector, incentivize densified land use, and integrate disaster risk mitigation and green building standards.
World Bank Group. (2015) Stocktaking of the Housing Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa : Challenges and Opportunities. World Bank, Washington.
Link: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/23358.